


What We Do

Our mission at Mirror Zoo is to lead the way in sustainable fashion by creating eco-friendly bags that combine artistry, functionality, and individuality. We strive to make upcycling a mainstream practice and encourage consumers to embrace products that are both stylish and environmentally responsible.


2018 年にベルリンの環境意識の高い文化に影響を受けたデザインに精通した卒業生の Cai 氏によって設立された MirrorZoo は、ファッションに対する革新的なアプローチを体現しています。留学をきっかけに環境への責任に対する情熱を抱いた Cai 氏は、スタイルと持続可能性を融合するために MirrorZoo を立ち上げました。献身的な先見の明のあるチームとともに、環境に優しい素材の調達と革新的なリサイクル方法の開発という課題に取り組みました。今日、MirrorZoo は創造性、職人技、持続可能性への献身の象徴となっています。MirrorZoo が製作するバッグはどれもファッションを主張するだけでなく、環境にプラスの影響を与えるというコミットメントも表しています。

    How It Started

    Art Meets Sustainability, Lao Cai

    Lao Cai, the founder and Chief Operating Officer of Mirror Zoo, is a multimedia artist and designer with a diverse background in advertising, film, and the arts. A graduate of the China Academy of Art and the Berlin University of the Arts, Lao Cai’s passion for eco-friendly design was sparked during his time in Europe, where he witnessed the imaginative reuse of discarded materials. Returning to China, he transformed this inspiration into a thriving brand that champions environmental consciousness and upcycled design.


    Upcycle & Recycle

    Old Materials, New Stories

    Every Mirror Zoo product is made from repurposed materials, ranging from flour sacks and denim to billboards and coffee sacks. These materials tell a unique story, and we take pride in giving them a second life.

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    Handcrafted With Care

    Each item is carefully handcrafted, ensuring that no two pieces are exactly alike. We value uniqueness and the art of design, creating something that stands out in both quality and style.